Hall of Shame
For the hell of it, let's give a shoutout to the most beloved players in the industry!
Am I beating a dead horse here? Sure!
CCP worshipping sex perverts pretending to be that company you loved in the 90s! World renowned creators of Overwatch 2, which, despite all the lies they told, is quite literally a busted Overwatch 1 with a freemium model. Yay for sexual assault!
Also Activision. Same shit, different toilet. "Call of Fortnite" as I like to call it is a joke.
Hail Tencent! Hail Disney! Manipulate children into wasting their parents' money using dark patterns! Their storefront is the laughing stock of gamers everywhere.
From what I've witnessed, the vast majority of people default to EA when the topic of awful game companies is brought up. Who's even buying their rehashed crap to keep them in business?
I'm guessing there's enough people being suckered in by those yearly sports games with the egregious microtransactions?
They have never been a good company. Checks all the boxes: braindead customer support, busted-ass mandatory launcher programs, invasive DRM, same-y games.
Same shit as EA with the egregious sports game model. Probably the worst of all when it comes to pushing lootboxes, microtransactions and "premium" currencies. 2K and Rockstar Games are both owned by Take-Two, and seem to adopt their awful policies so this applies to the whole lot.
Dishonorable mentions: Nexon, WB Games, Bethesda, Nintendo.
This site does not collect any metrics or run any scripts. It was thrown together in response to the video game industry being in a lousy state and that "Stop Killing Games" movement which I view as thinly veiled political agenda.
Contact: killallgames (at) protonmail (dot com)